Command Overview

Command overview

Retrieving Dev Environment Config (get-env-variables)

We need to generate some configuration so that our images build and our workloads operate correctly. To retrieve the configuration for this project, simply run the Garden workflow as follows.

1garden run workflow get-env-variables

This will retrieve the configuration secrets necessary to run the development environment and place them in a file in the project root. Never commit this file to source control!

Overriding dev configuration

If you need to override variables for you local environment, you can place any overrides in another .env file named .variables.local.yaml in the project root. Never commit this file to source control!

After you edit .variables.local.yaml, make sure you re-run to get your edits live:

1garden run workflow get-env-variables

Retrieving Cluster Authentication (get-dev-cluster-creds)

To run our workload in Minted's remote development environment, we need to set up authentication first. Every command that executes against the remote development environment (such as deploying new services) is authenticated and your identity is asserted to determine your privileges and access when doing so.

Run the following Garden workflow to perform the initial configuration of the cluster. Note: You will be prompted to sign in to Minted's identity provider during this process.

1garden run workflow get-dev-cluster-creds

garden deploy

1# deploy your full environment, with all enabled services
2garden deploy
4# specific services
5garden deploy saved-designs-api,saved-designs-db,saved-designs-consumer

When you run garden deploy, all of the Minted projects will be built (if necessary) and deployed to your personal environment. This allows you to access all the services and pages that each project makes available.

garden dev

1# start the developer reloading mode, for all enabled services
2garden dev
4# specific services
5garden dev saved-designs-api,saved-designs-db,saved-designs-consumer

When you run garden dev, Garden deploys your environment, but also sets up a "watch" service so that you can make changes locally and have the running projects updated as you do so.

Configuration files overview


In the mntd-dot-dev project, there is a .variables.template.yaml file that contains the baseline set of configuration that is used to set up the development environment. Within, a list of garden remote sources is included, and each item in this list points to a project that can be run within the developer experience.


This is an optional, untracked file that each developer can use to override the default configurations in the .variables.template.yaml.

You can overwrite any of the stanzas in .variables.template.yaml, including:




If you do choose to make edits, make sure to re-run garden run workflow get-env-variables and re-deploy.

Generated and updated by garden run workflow get-env-variables. You can open this file to confirm what projects are enabled/disabled before you deploy.