Getting Started

Getting Access

Before beginning any install or provisioning steps, there are a few manual setups that an admin will need to do for you. So far this includes:

  • Creating your user account in Garden Cloud, to match GitLab

To get this setup, please join #eng-gardening and tag @garden-admins.


Installation Script

To quickly install all the necessary dependencies and get up and running, you can use the installation script:

1curl -sL | bash

This installation script will install several components necessary to run the developer tooling. If you prefer to manually install them and manually bootstrap the project, those steps are in the following section.

After you are done with this step, move onto Development Quickstart

Manual Installation (Alternative approach)

These steps are an alternative to above.

  1. Install the Google Cloud SDK
  2. Install Garden
  3. Install pv-migrate
  4. Install the Vault CLI
  5. Install yq

You must make sure that the following programs are on your PATH before continuing:

  • gcloud
  • kubectl
  • garden
  • pv-migrate
  • vault
  • yq

After installing these binaries, you then need to clone the project repository to your local filesystem:

1git clone <path-to-your-project-folder>

Once you've cloned the project, you need to set up a few files that are ignored by .gitignore.

1printf "{}" >
2touch .variables.local.yaml